mallotus villosus

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Hairy scale fish belong to the Hairy Scale genus of the Hairy Scale family in the Hairy Scale suborder of the Protospinoptera, and this genus has a large mouth. The tongue has large canine teeth. The end of the maxilla reaches behind the pupil. One plowbone. Hairy scale fish have a body length of no more than 3 inches (approximately 7.6cm) and are flat on the side. The snout position of the hairy scale fish has a larger mouth crack and larger eyes, with an eye diameter equal to the length of the snout. The dorsal fin of the hairy scale fish is higher, but the tail handle is very thin, and the tail fin is deeply forked. The tongue of the fish has large canine teeth, and the end of the maxilla extends beyond the posterior edge of the pupil.

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